I am reacting to Barbara's Hero Journey post and disagreeing with her and Krissy. I do not feel that Tea Cake is a hero/protagonist in the story and that Janie is the sole protagonist and the story is about her hero journey. My interpretation of a hero, in the sense of the monomyth, is the character who changes and learns something to better themselves throughout the novel. Tea Cake, though a major supporting character, does not change significantly thoughout the novel or better himself. From the begining Tea Cake loves Janie and is supportive of her so him dieing for her love did not change him because had already loved her. Janie on the other, does go through a big change and ultimately learns about herself by going through it. Her goal in live is to not be supressed, but also to be loved. Both of which she gains from Tea Cake. With Joe dieing, and her moving on from him to Tea Cake, she becomes englightened and fufilled. Her and Tea Cake's loving relationship is the ultimate product of her Hero Journey.
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